7/4/02 ishii A DATABASE OF ANALYZED SUBSURFACE TEMPERATURE AND ITS ANALYSIS ERROR Masayoshi Ishii (*1), Masahide Kimoto (*2), and Misako Kachi (*3) 1: Climate Prediction Division, Japan Meteorological Agency 2: Center for Climate System Research, Univ. of Tokyo 3: Earth Observation Research Center, National Space Development Agency of Japan * Outline * The directory contains analyzed ocean subsurface temperatures and corresponding analysis errors on a 1 deg. x 1 deg. global grid at 14 levels upper 500m depth for years from 1950 to 1998. Please refer to a document, [ 00REF_en.pdf ]: "Historical Ocean Subsurface Temperature Analysis with Error Estimates" by M. Ishii, M. Kimoto, and M. Kachi (Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 51-73) for details of the objective analysis. The data are stored in GRIB-formatted yearly files [ temp.YYYY.grb ] (YYYY: 4-digit year), and these data can be easily handled with the aid of GrADS (http://grads.iges.org/grads/). A GrADS data descriptor file (or control file) [ temp.ctl ] is prepared in the directory. When you display the GRIB data on GrADS, GrADS requires an index/map file [ temp.idx ]. This file is generated by a GrADS utility command "gribmap"; for instance, $ gribmap -i temp.ctl under UNIX. Please also remark that GRIB data are endian free. * List of Files * 00README_en : this file 00README_jp : this file (in Japanese) 00REF_en.pdf : reference (accepted by MWR) 00REF_jp.ps.gz : reference in Japanese (1999 CCSR report), gzip-compressed 00VERSION : version information temp.YYYY.grb : yearly data file, "YYYY": 4-digit year temp.ctl : GrADS data descriptor file temp.idx : GRIB-GrADS index file * Correspondence * To: M. Ishii ( ishii@naps.kishou.go.jp ).