Title: MJO data of ECMWF S2S forecasts/hindcasts and ERA-5 reanalysis. Date: 19 May 2022 Contact: Dr. Yuhei Takaya, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteeorological Agency (yuhei.takaya@mri-jma.go.jp) This directory contains the S2S prediction and analysis data analyzed in Takaya et al. (2022). The data are part of the MJO data created by the WWRP/WCRP S2S project, and copied from the original data location (ftp://acquisition.ecmwf.int/RMMS, ID:s2sidx, PW:s2sidx) Detailed information is documented in RMMS_computation.docx, and directories of ecmwf and ea have the ECMWF S2S prediction data and ERA-5 reanalysis, respectively.