# Experimental Name - CTL: Hindcast simulation - PNonW: The experiment without historical atmospheric and oceanic warming, which is the pseudo non-warming experiment - CTLatm: The atmospheric condition is the same as that of December 2021, while historical oceanic warming is eliminated from the HIMSST. - CTLsst: The SST is the same as that of December 2021, while the historical changes in the regional mean air temperature are eliminated from the MA at all pressure levels. - SST_CLM: The experiment assuming a climatological level of SST # Initial date of 5km simulation 2020121100 2020121103 2020121106 2020121109 2020121112 2020121115 2020121118 2020121121 # Variable name (hourly data) ./surf psea: sea surface pressure (hPa) psurf: surface pressure (hPa) rain: precipitation (mm/h) smqs: snowfall (mm/)h smqg: graupel (mm/h) smqr: rainfall (mm/h) t: surface air temperature (K) tpw: total precipitable water vapor (mm) ttd: air temperature minus dew pointe temperature (K) u: x-direction wind (mm/s) v: y-direction wind (mm/s) u_rot: rotated u = zonal wind (mm/s) v_rot: rotated v = meridional wind (mm/s) ./ph2m TIN1: Surface temperature (K) UFLLH: Latent heat flux (W/m2) UFLSH: Sensible heat flux (W/m2) ./plev t: Air temperature (K) u: x-direction wind (m/s) v: x-direction wind (m/s) w: Vertical wind (m/s) z: Geopotential height (m) q: Specific humidity ttd: Air temperature minus dew pointe temperature (K) cwc: Cloud water