These simulations are run for 2001-2005 using MRI-ESM2 under prescribed SST. Control run-Br069_amip_20001231_5yr/ no CWC threshold for cloud fraction of optically thin clouds run-Br069_amip_20001231_cwcthr0_5yr/ upper limit of entraint rate: 0.15 /km run-Br069_amip_20001231_entdetrmn01_5yr/ upper limit of entraint rate: 0.6 /km run-Br069_amip_20001231_entdetrmn06_5yr/ lower limit of entrainment rate: 0.01 /km run-Br069_amip_20001231_entdetrmx15_5yr/ lower limit of entrainment rate: 0.06 /km run-Br069_amip_20001231_entdetrmx60_5yr/ lower limit of vertical diffusivity near surface: 0.05 m^2/s run-Br069_amip_20001231_glkhmin05_5yr/ lower limit of vertical diffusivity near surface: 0.5 m^2/s run-Br069_amip_20001231_glkhmin5_5yr/ lowest height of permitting convective precipitation: 2 km run-Br069_amip_20001231_noprch2000_5yr/ lowest height of permitting convective precipitation: 400 m run-Br069_amip_20001231_noprch400_5yr/ threshold of RH for instant evaporation of detrained clouds: No run-Br069_amip_20001231_rhcdet00_5yr/ threshold of RH for instant evaporation of detrained clouds: 80% run-Br069_amip_20001231_rhcdet80_5yr/ lower limit of turbulence updraft speed for aerosol activation calculation: 0.01 m/s run-Br069_amip_20001231_wmin001_5yr/ lower limit of turbulence updraft speed for aerosol activation calculation: 0.2 m/s run-Br069_amip_20001231_wmin020_5yr/