@ Announcement - Ver. 6.7 has been completed on Nov. 26, 2008. - Ver. 6.5 has been completed on Feb. 15, 2008. - Ver. 6.2 has been completed on Feb. 10, 2006. - Please freely use this version of the analysis. - If you have some questions, please email to ism@jamstec.go.jp. - If you find some problems, please email to ism@jamstec.go.jp. - The analysis (especially for recent years) might be replaced in the future without notice. @ Additional documents 00GRIB Ishii-et-al-2003.pdf Ishii-et-al-2006.pdf Ishii-Kimoto-2009.pdf @ Changes * Ver. 6.7 11/26/08 ISHII, M. ism@jamstec.go.jp - The previous XBT bias correction scheme updated and a MBT correction newly introduced. - Observational data: WOD05 and GTSPP (as of Oct. 10, 2007) used. - The latest WOD05 used. - Further details will be found in Ishii and Kimoto (2009): Reevaluation of Historical Ocean Heat Content Variations With Time-Varying XBT and MBT Depth Bias Corrections (in press). * Ver. 6.5 2/15/08 ISHII, M. ism@jamstec.go.jp - An XBT bias correction scheme introduced. - Observational data: WOD05 and GTSPP (as of Oct. 10, 2007) used. - The latest WOD05 used. - Further details will be found in Ishii and Kimoto (2008): Reevaluation of Ocean Heat Content variations with An XBT Depth Bias Correction. (submitted) * Ver. 6.2 2/10/06 ISHII, M. ism@jamstec.go.jp - The analysis is available for 1945-2005. - A bug associated with the mixed layer depth analysis has been fixed. Fewer observations were used in ver. 6.1 analysis than in this version. - The latest GTSPP data were used (as of the end of the Jan. 2006). - Please refer to Ishii, Kimoto, Sakamoto, and Iwasaki, 2006: Steric Sea Level Changes Estimated from Historical Ocean Subsurface Temperature and Salinity Analyses. Journal of Oceanography, 62, 155-170. for details. * Ver. 6.1 8/26/05 ISHII, M. ism@jamstec.go.jp - Analysis errors modified. In version 6, there were discontinuities of analysis errors along all longitudes near 0 degree East. - Please refer to * Ver. 6. 8/9/05 ISHII, M. ism@jamstec.go.jp - Unlike the data set of the older versions, error fraction of monthly standard deviation for interannual changes (sigma) is stored in place of analysis error. When you need absolute errors, please multiply (sigma) by the error fraction. - This version is still in a developing phase. We may change them in the near future. * Ver. 5. xx/xx/05 ISHII, M. ism@jamstec.go.jp - The analysis suffered still from depth errors of XBT data. * Ver. 4. xx/xx/03 ISHII, M. ishii@maps.kishou.go.jp - see Ishii, Kimoto, Kachi, 2003, MWR.